Wednesday, December 12, 2007

illegal logging makes the forest shrink

The Amazon forest is good for the eyes and more for the health. That’s why we need to keep our forest in good condition. The governments around the world are facing this illegal logging problem. People are still doing this illegal logging, even though they are breaking the law. Illegal logging’s definition is cutting trees and timber without government authorization. They cut down the trees because they want to make money by selling it to some other country. ”Amazon tree-cutting reached its highest level in decades, according to statistics released by the government two weeks ago. Last year, more than 10,000 square miles were cut down” (Reel, 2005, para. 8). We can see that the government is trying to stop illegal logging, but it is still going on. Forest is nature and they should appreciate it.

Green house affect is one of the problems that came from illegal logging. Green house affect is because of less trees and less of oxygen. Our world is getting hotter everyday because of illegal logging. It all started from illegal logging. They cut trees and sell it to some other country. This will make the trees in the forest getting lesser. These trees are very useful to us because it can give us many benefits. One of the benefits is the trees produce oxygen and we need the oxygen to breath. If the trees is on the right time to cut is better but if it’s too young, it is bad because the young trees have no change to grow. If the trees have been cut down, a lot of species will die because their habitat is gone. For some species will go to another place and that is a risk for the animal because some species is not used to other places. We need all this types of species because there contribute in some other ways that we can’t see. Example, bird need trees to live but if they is less trees, the bird species will be less too because lack of trees.

Many people do illegal logging because there is no one stopping them on doing it. This is a problem because government is not watching them doing illegal logging. Maybe there are some watching but it is weak because they still doing illegal logging. The government must wake up and see what illegal logging is doing to their country. But sometimes they use people inside to make this happen, with people helping them, it is easy to do logging in illegal way. This is why there are many illegal logging going on in this world. We can change that if we tightened the law. Change the people inside that helping them to a responsible people. Furthermore, illegal logging tend to promotes corruption in some other way, because when they do illegal logging they usually will do it again. If they did not start at first they will not do illegal things. Many people keep on thinking about money and money is the most dangerous thing. This is because money can make people want to do illegal stuff example like illegal logging. They do this because illegal logging is easy to get money. In other words, if they try and make profit out of it, they will do it again. So, they get money from illegal logging and happy about it, this will make them do illegal things again because they are successful for the first time. Illegal logging is really bad because people can practice corruption.

These are ways that we need to take to stop illegal logging. First, we should give everyone an education to learn about illegal logging. Next, we should find the roads that they use for illegal logging and block them. Similarly, we should tighten the law by punishing them really strictly. Finally, make them think about the future.

An education is the most important thing in our life. So, if we teach the younger people how to protect our forest, maybe they will follow what they learn. For instance, when we teach our kids, it is easier to teach them compared to the older ones, because the kids will listen but the old ones sometimes will not. For the kids, we just let them know about the bad things in illegal logging and will think it more when they grow up. But we need to provide a class for the old people too. This is because we need to tell them about the problem we are facing right now illegal logging. Also, we need to do a class in college about the environment and make everyone take that class, even though some people don’t like that class. In that class we need to teach them about how to take care our world because we need all that trees in the forest. Example, if the person already learned about the environment in college, obviously the person knows about the deforestation. The person will think before, anything goes into the person mind of doing something like illegal logging. It can change some things around us by giving them an education.

One way is find the road and if the road is found, destroy it. If they want to do illegal logging they need a road to steal the trees. So, if we block the road we can stop them from doing illegal logging. They cannot enter the place anymore, so they won’t do logging. Same as if they use the right road but someone just let them go through because they are friends. This is corruption because they do illegal thing letting his friend go through. For example, if we put someone in charges that are responsible, maybe this will not occur. We also can use a satellite to track down the people doing illegal logging in the forest because satellite can see from on top of the forest. First, they need a computer that connected to the satellite so that they can use the satellite to look down on earth. By using this they can see anything from above the earth. Use this satellite to track down all the loggers and find them if they are illegal. Some forest gone in the middle and the side still have trees. This is one of the illegal logging actions because they don’t want people to know so they just take the timber from the middle of the forest. They just can find out using a satellite of a helicopter. After we know, we can catch them and put them in jail. This will slow it down or stop it.

Illegal logging is an action that breaks the law. Illegal logging is still going on because their laws is not that tight. But some do illegal logging in different way, like when there want to export to another country they avoid taxes. There are someway they do that but only them know it. This is called illegal logging because export timber without taxes. This is because they more profit out of it that why they avoid the taxes. Therefore, the law will take action if they get caught. The loggers also know that they are breaking the rules, but they still do it. If the law get tightened maybe they will get scared. For example, punish them with $100,000 fine and 10 years in jail if they get caught. The punishment is very bad that people don't want to think of doing illegal logging. That is one of the punishment but the second time they get caught they will spend the rest of their live in prison with $200,000 fine. The loggers will think twice before they want to start illegal logging. According to Astor (2006) “Police arrested 46 people, including 16 agents of the federal environmental protection agency, for allegedly operating illegal logging operations in the Amazon rainforest and in southern Brazil, the environment ministry said Wednesday” (para.1). This is because the punishment is so heavy that they don’t want to take the risk doing it. In “Illegal logging threatens 98 percent loss of Southeast Asian rainforests by 2022 –UN” the author said that the habitat of tens of thousands of endangered orangutans has been threatened (2007). This is because illegal logging disturbed many things in the forest. Illegal logging needs to be stopped.

My opponents said that they don’t care about illegal logging. Abetz (2006) said that “PNG governments had turned a blind eye to illegal logging”. This argument is simply wrong because they don’t think about the future. Do they think about their kids future? If they just ignore illegal logging, there will be more of these actions happening. Whose is going to get the consequence? Our kids will get it because they are people of the future. This is bad felling that our kids will never see the beauty of the green forest like we seen it before. This is all because some people do illegal logging with cutting more trees in the forest to get money. According to Larsen (2002-07) “ in brazil, with the world’s most deforestation rate, where an estimated 80 percent of logging is illegal; in Mexico, which is losing over 1 million hectares each year; and in Ethiopia, where in just 40 years forest cover the plummeted from around 40 million hectares to 2.7 million, only half of which is natural forest” (para. 12). The oxygen will be less and less; this is coming in the future. Also, global warming will occur and the greenhouse effect. This will make our world hard to live in.

In conclusion, these are some of the ways to prevent illegal logging: give everyone an education about illegal logging, block the road that they use for illegal logging, tighten the law by punishing them really badly, and make them think about the future. We really need to stop the illegal logging because our world will be destroy if they don't stop it. There are many bad things about this illegal logging, for example like green house affect, corruption, environmental damage and animal loss habitat because of illegal logging. If this illegal logging is stopped maybe they can plant more trees in this world and do it legally. People will be happy if there is no illegal logging and many people don't need to make corruption everyway. This action needs to be stopped so that we can live in a better world. If illegal logging is stopped, we will be in a great place in the world to live.

Astor, M. (2006, August 9). Brazil police arrest 46 in major crackdown on illegal Amazon logging. Associated Press Worldstream. Retrieved on December 04, 2007, from Lexis Nexis
Government ignoring illegal logging. (2006, June 28). PacNews (Pacific Island News Service). Retrieved on November 8, 2007, from Lexis Nexis.
Illegal logging threatens 98 pct loss of Southeast Asian rainforests by 2022 –UN. (2007, February 6). AFX International Focus. Retrieved on November 8, 2007, from Lexis Nexis.
Larsen, J. (2002, May 21). Illegal logging threatens ecological and economic stability. Earth Policy Institute. Retrieved on November 1, 2007, from
Reel, M. (2005, June 12). As Amazon crops grow, a forest shrinks. The Washington Post. Retrieved on October 23, 2007. from Lexis Nexis.