Monday, October 8, 2007

summary response

Mike jermaine j.imbayan
EAP2 writer’s workshop
Summary essay
September 15,2007

According to Zussman(2005) article “ Fighting Corruption Is a Global Concern” he discusses about the corruption around the world nowadays. Example like anti-corruption conference in Beijing that helps think about corruption in the world. Next, he talks about the transparency international report making corruption issues visible to public. Moreover, many countries and global organizations are working together to abolish corruption in society, business and government. Also many countries are ready with the anti-corruption because they interferes with economic,disminishes citizen’s quality of life and undermines people’s trust. Furthermore, government is trying to get rit of the problem by telling the society to be aware and placing the honest people to be a leader. For example Canada is making better in laws and policies so corruption is less

Corruption is very bad for the people, government, and life. According to Worldwide Corruption Continues to Block Development (2006) the author says “Bribery, nepotism, and other forms of corruption exist to a greater or lesser extent in all countries, but its corrosive effects hurt poor nations the most. The World Bank considers corruption one of the greatest obstacles to economic and social development because it undermines the rule of law and weakens the institutional foundations upon which economic growth depends”(para.1 ). It makes people go crazy thinking about corruption and this can ruin people’s life. So corruption is dangerous. This is the reason we must work to find the solutions to corruption because it interferes with econonomic development, the wrong people get the money and will creates gap between rich and poor people.

This shows that people need to make the economy grow properly without corruption. Economy is very important to the society. Example , society need economy to live and they need a good economy then they life would be easy. Besides that, it can also effect the country’s economy. Then , the country’s status will drop because of the corruption is still going on. Such as, finland economy is not that stable because too many corruption is going on and finland is having hard time to make it right (zussman, 2007). So , we need to make this right so the country’s economy will be fine.

Therefore, this corruption can really make people angry because the money goes someway else. For example , a contracter that have a lot of money bride the man that incharge to build a building and suppose to be the other contracter that always get that job did not get it. As a result, the contracter that has a lot of money get project and not the usual contracter. Thus, this situation cannot be going on everytime because later people will think that money is everything. So,keeping the money in the right hand is always the good choice. Every people use money to buy food, cloths but not to use money in bribing people. For instance , there is man that always get the project building pipe lines so, one day someone richer than him bought over the project and then he lose everything that he put in to the project. This is why we need a solution to clear this problem.

Similarly, the rich people become more richer and the poor people become more poorer and this is a big problem. The rich people always make corruption because they have the money and the power to do that. For instance, the poor people will need to find another job. Example , the poor people will get a normal jobs but the rich people can bribe some contracter to get money they want. This will make the difference between the rich guy n the poor guy. Furthermore, the opportunity to get a jobs lowers for some company. This is because they afraid that many people will make corruption in their company. Example , a company that sells furniture and this guy come and bribe a friend in the company to get some of the furniture in really low price so that he can sell it to someone else on a high price.

In conclusion, corruption is very dangerous and can make many bad things to everyone. Therefore, it needs a solution to make the economy go up so the right people get the money and there is less crime. If the society is very honest , corruption will not happen and the country will be in a good shape of economy. This will make more people happy and more people get jobs .


Worldwide corruption continues to block development.(2006 july,24). Voice of America
News. Retrived October 1,2007 ,form Lexis Nexis.

Zussman, D (2005 , October 11).fighting corruption is a global
concern. Ottawa citizen (para.2)

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