Sunday, November 4, 2007

summary response #2

Mike Imbayan
Writer’s workshop
Summary response #2

Mr. Osava(2005) talks about the soybean and the forest today. Brazillian companies are not going to buy soybean from deforested areas. Deforestation has been decreasing in the last few years and the government is taking advantage of that, so they can make the forest beautiful. They can focus on a new law on public forests if they can stop illegal logging. Soy plantations are very bad for the future and will pollute the water. Export firms are now trying to preserve the jungles. They are now protecting the Amazon forest by negotiating with the traders. Greenpeace is protecting the future and the Amazon people and soy traders are helping them now. They set up a working group and found that the jungles have been deforested to make way for the soybean.

The Amazon forest is good for the eyes and more for the health. So, we need to keep the forest safe from the traders or the people that do illegal logging. Maybe in the future there will be less oxygen in the air and also fewer trees. Therefore, society needs to take care of our forest and needs to take this problem seriously. The forest is not the problem, but the people are the ones who make this problem. Why do they do such a thing to the beautiful forest? People must prevent the illegal logging because these actions make the forest thinner. There are some of the ways to stop illegal logging: don’t let them cut down the trees, tighten the law and make them realize the results.

People cannot just cut the trees down if there is no government involved because that is illegal. The government is the one that checks the trees if it is time for them to be cut down. The forest is like our oxygen. So, if there is less forest, the oxygen is getting less too, and oxygen is the thing that makes us breathe. If there are fewer trees in this world, it can affect the greenhouse gases because less oxygen causes the greenhouse effect. Maybe there will be fewer fresh air in the future if cutting down tree is still going on.

Illegal logging is something connected with the law, because illegal means breaking the law. The law needs to be tightens so that there is less illegal logging. Make the law tight, like catch the people that do illegal logging, and put them in jail for two years and fine them fifty thousand more than the usual fine. Maybe that will slow it down, because maybe they are scared of the law. Some people don’t want to disturb the law because they are scared that they will go to jail and ruin their life. Some people just do it for money and this type of person needs to be put in jail; because of them, some of the people get poorer. This is because people that can get trees legally did not get them, but people who do it illegally are getting the trees. This is so unfair for the society.

These people that are doing illegal logging need to realize that they are doing a bad job, because if they are the people that are getting the trees, someone else cannot get them. How would they feel if people do that to them? Maybe they will get mad because of that situation, because other people do it illegally and they do it legally. So, these people need to feel as if they are in a different position. Maybe they don’t realize that their kids will not get to look at beautiful nature because their father ruined it. When the time comes, then they will realize that.

In conclusion, these are some of the ways to prevent illegal logging: take care of the trees, make the law dangerous, and get illegal loggers to see a different view. If all these ways are followed in the future, they will still have a nice forest. Kids will still get to see the nice forest in the future. People will get fresh air every time and the government will not make the law tighter. No doubt that the forest will be beautiful again if the they use these ways.

Osava, M. (2006, July 7). Brazil: Soy industry pact can help save Amazon rainforest. Inter Press Service. Retrieved on October 29, 2007, from Lexis Nexis.

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